Stafford Traffic.


don't mention the blinds


Spouting nonsense since the day I learned to talk
Just the job you want to be doing the Saturday before Christmas. Inconveniencing the maximum number of shoppers.
SCC’s objective is always to cause Stafford maximum disruption whenever they do any work to the roads.

gilbert grape

Well-Known Forumite
Increased measures and lock down advice meaning reduced commercialism seemed totally foreign today. Coming back from Cannock, the traffic, while still crawling, was backed up to Wildwood, the Queen's Park had queues to get on and was rammed and the line waiting to go round to Queensway form Lichfield Road was growing. Good job we didn't have any excessive rain today or many more roads would have been blocked as it rose in the few hours i was out of town.


Well-Known Forumite
08.15 and snowing on a winters morning, traffic very light but quite a few of those cars (1 in 6 ish) driving along with no lights on.
Not even DRL's that are always on (so must be older vehicles) but as the dash lights are also illuminated at the same time they always drive around with no rear lights showing.


Enjoying a drop of red.
Had to drive over to Shrewsbury this morning. Roads quiet and journey there and back uneventful.

I avoided going via Stafford as that inevitably would add totally unnecessary drama to the situation, so instead took a detour via Penkridge and Bradley and had a thoroughly enjoyable journey whilst listening to The Quo blasting out.


Well-Known Forumite
08.15 and snowing on a winters morning, traffic very light but quite a few of those cars (1 in 6 ish) driving along with no lights on.
Not even DRL's that are always on (so must be older vehicles) but as the dash lights are also illuminated at the same time they always drive around with no rear lights showing.

The number of cars locally that have one headlight on full beam and one with a bulb out is astonishing.


ST16 Represent.
Had to drive over to Shrewsbury this morning. Roads quiet and journey there and back uneventful.

I avoided going via Stafford as that inevitably would add totally unnecessary drama to the situation, so instead took a detour via Penkridge and Bradley and had a thoroughly enjoyable journey whilst listening to The Quo blasting out.
I had 4 CDs for christmas, no way of playing them currently in the house and no journeys planned to be able to play them in the car.


Active Member
Traffic lights by the Wimpy at Milford seem to be stuck on red in all directions.... a little bit of chaos to avoid if you can.....


Well-Known Forumite
I had 4 CDs for christmas, no way of playing them currently in the house and no journeys planned to be able to play them in the car.
I wish my car had a CD player. I'm no good with this car Bluetooth/ whatever else it hooks up to technology.


Well-Known Forumite
Great planning by the company demolishing the boarded up house by Lloyds’ roundabout.

No advance warning and very little protection for their lorry that they conveniently parked on the roundabout causing drivers to veer out of the lane for the Eccy Road into the Stone Road traffic.



Well-Known Forumite
If you are using Queensway past Asda and heading towards the A518 beware of the large traffic cone that is planted over a grid just by the car wash place next to Kwik Fit.

It looks like it’s covering a sunken grid but is quite prominently sticking out into the road but I suspect not very visible in the dark.


Well-Known Forumite
Sandon road lido is back. As I drove past a fire engine on blues was struggling to get through. If people died I wonder if that would lead to it getting fixed ?


wanna see my snake?
Apart from removing lots of the concrete around there I'm not sure how it can be fixed.

It never used to flood this bad, now it does, and the amount of rain has not increased enough to warrant that. Therefore we know something caused it, we likely just need to destroy a few thousand houses slightly upstream and let the soil soak some back up again....