Hugh wind turbine appeared.


Well-Known Forumite
Will these do for now?

View attachment 7558

Perfect, these will charge my TV remote nicely

Same here, I wouldn't complain having 1 on my land or nearby within eyesight. Perhaps I'm weird, (I am), but I find watching them quite relaxing.

I don’t think anyone would complain about one on their land if they saw how much of a kickback they get in either rent or selling megawatts per year back to the grid.


Forum O. G.
Energy, ancient and modern.


Theresa Green

Well-Known Forumite
Why not use empty water bottles to fill up with heatwave heat and then open them up and release them later in the winter to warm up your home


Well-Known Forumite
Why not fill those empty bottles with water, leave them on your window sill, and let the water fill up with that heat and use it now - hot water for washing up.

For bonus heat, fill bottles with water and put them in your car if you have one. Don't underestimate how hot it gets when pouring it out.


Well-Known Forumite
Why not fill those empty bottles with water, leave them on your window sill, and let the water fill up with that heat and use it now - hot water for washing up.

For bonus heat, fill bottles with water and put them in your car if you have one. Don't underestimate how hot it gets when pouring it out.

63 degrees on a warm day!