Hugh wind turbine appeared.


Well-Known Forumite
Sadly three of the very large turbines dotted around me (which you hardly ever saw stopped as they seem to be able to turn to a gnats fart) have been stopped now for some time. One for a year, the other two for several months. I've been told they're in need of some generator spares, which have to come from Germany, which is causing some kind of problem. No details given.
What a waste given the current weather. :(


Forum O. G.
Sadly three of the very large turbines dotted around me (which you hardly ever saw stopped as they seem to be able to turn to a gnats fart) have been stopped now for some time. One for a year, the other two for several months. I've been told they're in need of some generator spares, which have to come from Germany, which is causing some kind of problem. No details given.
What a waste given the current weather. :(
On the next island west, it's been 64% wind electricity over the last 24 hours and 49.5% over the last 30 days.

The interconnections are exporting 400 MW and a deal was agreed yesterday to connect direct to France, without having to interact with the UK's 'energy market'.


Forum O. G.
In Ireland, at 5:15am today, the total demand was 3,796MW - of that, 3,784MW was from 'renewable' sources - only 12MW from some sort of thermal stations, largely because they have to be 'kept available' anyway.

49% renewable over the last 24 hours.

Of that renewable energy, some small amount would be from hydro stations, but the vast majority would be wind turbines.

Not a lot of solar at 5:15am...


Forum O. G.
There's a lot of onshore wind around where I am. The turbines tend to be in less accessible places, but I got closer than usual to one today.

It's a bit bigger than I was expecting, those are not small trees.
