Funding confirmed for Western Access Road in Stafford

John Marwood

I ♥ cryptic crosswords
Man naked on the Western Access Road.. (WAR)

Other headlines are available ....
It's open WAR !

What we did before the WAR!

Council declares war on dogcrap on WAR!

WARchild ! baby born in gutter !

Stafford folk love the WAR !

It's WARming up, tarmac melts on new road !

WARden issues tickets!

Speedsters are WARned !

It's a WARt on the landscape! ........

I thought I told you to lay of the multi vitamins, they go straight through you


Mad Cat Woman
Yes. Half the trees are down and It's all exposed. Glam will now be able to watch the piling! I on the other hand, will just be able to listen!
Int that exposed here babb, still a fair few trees in front. You'll have bob round and have a cuppa n watch them piling with me ;)