Mundane facts about your day: Part Deux.


Forum O. G.
I tend to cycle to the pub the 'long way', this involves going up a fair hill.

The ascent of this hill had the effect of 'slightly reversing' the sunset, so I could see the top half of the Sun again.


I came back a year older.


Well-Known Forumite
Explored pastures new en-route to the airport with the M5 by us shut , well directed up the A38 by my phones google lady.. Normally like sticking to the motorway , but quite enjoyed the diversion through countryside actually . (Was 5am though , so hardly any traffic around). By the time I started back the M5 was fully open again , so no getting lost once on my own.

And Yippee! Drop off carpark doesn't give entry tickets out at the barriers now, entrance & exit barriers open automaticallly .So no having to do a quick jump out & back in before the barriers come crashing back down again , when unable to reach the ticket machine.


250,000th poster!
A day that started off good with the organised walk for health , and nice chat over a cuppa & biscuits after it , soon changed ...

Nearly knocked myself out in Tesco car park , and did my neck & shoulder in in the process. Couldn't see much with the torrential rain lashing down and my hair blown across my face. Rushed to slam the boot back down and BANG
...crashed it down on my head. 😭

Then had to drive to the pharmacy for our repeat prescription meds , seeing stars and feeling sick. Forced myself to go , rather than straight back home as need them. Got there to find they've had no Internet for 7 days & can't process any prescriptions sent through by doctors. Told to contact surgery and get them resent elsewhere :roll:

Have you seen anyone after banging your head? Concussion can be very serious & long lasting. Please do if any of the symptoms last more than a few hours.

My day wasn't much better, went to the drs to get the 2nd lot of results from my diabetic blood tests, after the first lot showed sodium way too low, and I was held hostage for an hour as they don't know what to do with me.

Good news is my diabetes is nearly undetectable and on par with someone who is non diabetic.

Bad news , sodium even lower than the first time & kidney filter function way below normal. More blood tests, and urine too to rule out infection (pretty sure I'd know though). Stupid kidneys, what do they think they're doing?!

No. Still got bad headache , but shoulder/neck killing me the most, even after a soak in a hot bath.
Been unusually tired tonight, hoping that's nothing to do with it..? :hmm:

At this rate me & hubby will both be in hospital together ( Surgery rang today , after getting hospital heart scan/xray etc results the GP wants to see him again :hmm:)

Paracetamol ain't working . Might have to abandon my " I'm abstaining from booze til friday" vow.....
( 44 yrs on Friday since we met, we always celebrate that anniversary so booked for a meal out)

I know someone who recently had a fall while walking her dog & had concussion, she thought it was nothing, but weeks later after persistent headache found she had fractured her skull, and 2 months later is still having headaches, dizzyness & confusion. She's not a silly idiot, she's a very intelligent person who just thought a broken nose & 2 black eyes wasn't worth being checked. Get it checked tomorrow @staffordjas if you still have pain/headache etc.....

Make sure you do..... By order of the forum.


Yes , think I'm OK ta. ( Been busy spending hours running around pharmacies and on phone to docs for both me and hubby ).

No blurred vision or dizziness , headache not so bad (not all the time now) , and seem back to normal except for shoulder & neck pain from bruising. Apparently I did the worst thing lying with my head under a hot bath straight after. (Should have remembered from my running injury days to use ice not heat!)
THIS is why you go straight to A & E if you bang your head....don't be stupid like me (&possibly @staffordjas ) ....I fell smack on my forehead, but as there wasn't much bruising I didn't go to A & E at the time, I waited till the next day. Concussion, vertigo, confusion & head injury... 2 days later 2 black eyes, 4 days later head pain much worse, today is day 6 & bruising has appeared on my head, nose & mouth & headache is even worse.

Visit to the Dr this morning, who sent me straight back to A & E....Post Concussion syndrome, could take days or weeks to go.

I can't tell you how much my head hurts.

If you ever bang your head , please go straight to a & e, no matter if there's no bruising....I feel such an idiot after nagging @staffordjas then not listening to my own advice. (Sorry @staffordjas )...


Well-Known Forumite
Had a go at geocaching for the first time today down Thornyfields lane. Attempted about 6 spots but many of the hedges etc are so overgrown that I couldn't find the containers... I did find one, though!

When I opened it and discovered a little plastic sachet inside I wasn't entirely sure that I hadn't uncovered someone's stash of drugs, hidden away at the base of a tree...


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Forum O. G.
Had a go at geocaching for the first time today down Thornyfields lane. Attempted about 6 spots but many of the hedges etc are so overgrown that I couldn't find the containers... I did find one, though!

When I opened it and discovered a little plastic sachet inside I wasn't entirely sure that I hadn't uncovered someone's stash of drugs, hidden away at the base of a tree...
It was discussed in the distant past.



250,000th poster!
Had a go at geocaching for the first time today down Thornyfields lane. Attempted about 6 spots but many of the hedges etc are so overgrown that I couldn't find the containers... I did find one, though!

When I opened it and discovered a little plastic sachet inside I wasn't entirely sure that I hadn't uncovered someone's stash of drugs, hidden away at the base of a tree...
We used to geocashe years ago 😁


Well-Known Forumite
Might not be on here much this week.....

In true StaffordJas style my spring cleaning of sons house while he's away on holiday , to surprise him when he gets back , might not be such a pleasant surprise if I can't remedy my disaster. Whole house done and sparkling, just congratulating myself whilst moving a framed jigsaw back to where it'd been positioned . Crash.... :o

Now got a complicated 1000 piece ' Celestial Table' jigsaw to reassemble , without a box with picture to look at , in a week before they get back. Then work out how to get it back into the frame good enough to stay in one piece when I prop it back up.

They'd spent ages doing it , framed it , but hadn't got around to hanging it on the wall. So was leaning 'safely' against the wall in the spare room....... until I decided to move it to wipe the skirting boards ....:o....OOOOPS ! whole lot slid out.... :roll:


ST16 Represent.
Might not be on here much this week.....

In true StaffordJas style my spring cleaning of sons house while he's away on holiday , to surprise him when he gets back , might not be such a pleasant surprise if I can't remedy my disaster. Whole house done and sparkling, just congratulating myself whilst moving a framed jigsaw back to where it'd been positioned . Crash.... :o

Now got a complicated 1000 piece ' Celestial Table' jigsaw to reassemble , without a box with picture to look at , in a week before they get back. Then work out how to get it back into the frame good enough to stay in one piece when I prop it back up.

They'd spent ages doing it , framed it , but hadn't got around to hanging it on the wall. So was leaning 'safely' against the wall in the spare room....... until I decided to move it to wipe the skirting boards ....:o....OOOOPS ! whole lot slid out.... :roll:
This is like something out of Terry and June. It’s marvellous. The parents in trouble for damage whilst the child is on holiday.


Well-Known Forumite
Might not be on here much this week.....

In true StaffordJas style my spring cleaning of sons house while he's away on holiday , to surprise him when he gets back , might not be such a pleasant surprise if I can't remedy my disaster. Whole house done and sparkling, just congratulating myself whilst moving a framed jigsaw back to where it'd been positioned . Crash.... :o

Now got a complicated 1000 piece ' Celestial Table' jigsaw to reassemble , without a box with picture to look at , in a week before they get back. Then work out how to get it back into the frame good enough to stay in one piece when I prop it back up.

They'd spent ages doing it , framed it , but hadn't got around to hanging it on the wall. So was leaning 'safely' against the wall in the spare room....... until I decided to move it to wipe the skirting boards ....:o....OOOOPS ! whole lot slid out.... :roll:

This one?

Good luck!


Well-Known Forumite
No , it's this one. Looks like they had a poster in it (going by product description) with a large picture to be able to read the words. All I've got is this picture which won't go large enough to read , no matter how much I try zooming. Trying each piece in each hole (luckily the sides stayed mostly intact).

Got an aching back crawling around the floor doing it , especially straight after an hours zumba. 😂
