New Police & Crime Commissioner - elections in November


Forum O. G.
But the nutter got the most votes, more people want the nutter than any other person.

I actually agree with ditching FPTP, but didn't we have a vote on this and the masses swallowed the tory hype? So why continue to use it? All voting should become FPTP as the electorate bizarrely decided that was more fair, what kind of message is sent out saying that FPTP is ideal for electing someone to run our country yet somehow isn't a fair enough system to elect a puppet tax drain to play cops and robbers?
Indeed, the customer is always right, even when they're wrong.


wanna see my snake?
Err, I got a 'this post aint been posted n stuff' message several times then, yet when I finally got to post it G had already replied to my failed to post version!


Well-Known Forumite
Well after much deliberation i have finally made up my mind.

I will be giving my 'first choice' to tek-monkey, my 'second choice' to John Marwood. Apologies to Mr.M, but i feel tek-monkey has made a better fist of putting forward his credentials for the job.

Also, tek-monkey is Plainly a Complete C*nt, which i think will ease his transition into the new role.

Obviously this voting strategy will require a slight amendment to the ballot paper *rummages around for a ruler*...


Forum O. G.
Err, I got a 'this post aint been posted n stuff' message several times then, yet when I finally got to post it G had already replied to my failed to post version!
It's been doing that a bit lately - it's usually a lie - always best to have a look and see if it's really not there - it always is, in my experience - so far...

In fact, you did produce a double-post, which has now been 'mysteriously' deleted, leaving just the one which was really there whilst you were trying to post it for what you believed to be the first time..

It was further complicated by the double-posts being at the bottom of the previous page and the top of this page, making the true situation rather less obvious than it usually is.


wanna see my snake?
Also, tek-monkey is Plainly a Complete C*nt, which i think will ease his transition into the new role.

Apparently they have had to remove that part from the job description lately, something to do with equal opportunities and whatnot :(

EDIT: You can be sure if I got the vote though, we'd have less thieves in Stafford! Well, ones with hands anyway....


Forum O. G.
I'm glad to report that the new system seems to be bringing significant benefits already - no police activity was required to keep the crowds in order at my polling station just now.

Two and half hours in, and I was their twelfth customer....


wanna see my snake?
I think it's fairly safe to say that nobody gives a flying ****, and many have lost heart with the whole voting thing anyway as people have finally realised that it doesn't matter who you vote for.


Well-Known Forumite
I haven't been yet, but i am considering changing my vote for tek-monkey to a message to the counters - 'Well this shouldn't take long'.


Well-Known Forumite
There wasn't really enough room on the ballot paper for a second row of boxes, so i have cast my sole vote for tek-monkey.

The view inside Wildwood Polling Station.


wanna see my snake?
Just realised my other halfs little un was off school today, think how many people have been inconvenienced just so nobody could turn up and vote.


ST16 Represent.
Off to vote when I get in from work, a vote for the tories is a vote for privatisation. Cant allow that to happen, I guess if I didnt vote I would have no right to complain if it ever gets messed up.


wanna see my snake?
Thats what I don't get, what the flip are we voting in a political party member for? What have they got to do with the running of the police? With the amount of political scandals, surely allowing anyone with any party affiliation to help control the police is a massively flawed idea?


wanna see my snake?
So I guess if you are a tory MP in a tory police area, or a labour MP in a labour one, you are more likely to get away with being a thieving git creative accounting than one where the police are controlled by your opponent? The police are supposed to be independent of party rule aren't they?


Enjoying a drop of red.
On the basis that you can't complain if you don't vote, I finally decided to go and vote though I'm sure neither candidate is fit for office.

I'm told the turn out up to 6.30pm where I voted was slightly below 9%.



wanna see my snake?
At least they didn't make it official!

The whole thing just seems wrong to me, we are now going to be forced to have a politically motivated police force just because no independent candidate had 5k floating around spare to use for running. Let alone promotional literature, although it seems both candidates decided against that anyway as I didn't receive a thing. So I still know nothing about the powers they will hold, nor why either of them feel they are suitable candidates to wield such power. Its quite scary that total apathy will deliver this person to a situation of power, if 91% of the electorate really can't see the point surely this needs to be addressed?